Holy Trinity Catholic School began operation in August 1994 in five modular classroom buildings on the property of St. Michael’s parish. The school began with a morning pre-kindergarten program for 4 year olds, three sections of kindergarten and one first grade class. Before and after school care (the Extended Day Program) was also offered to school families. A total of 87 students were enrolled with a faculty of nine. The school’s plan called for adding one grade level each year until the grade range included pre-kindergarten through eighth grade. Holy Trinity’s first graduation ceremony took place on May 24, 2002.
Soon after opening, the school council and the pastors began looking for a permanent site for the school. Thirty-one parcels of land were considered before the 7.23 acres on the west side of S.H. 121, just north of Hall-Johnson Road, was purchased.
The school moved into the first 16 classrooms, multipurpose room and offices on October 11, 1997. A second wing, including classrooms and a library, was completed in June 1998. Construction on the third phase was completed in December 1999. This phase included middle school classrooms, a science lab, an art room, and a gym.