As #iGiveCatholic ended, a donor stepped forward to offer $50,000 in matching funds for any end-of-year gifts. How wonderful is this!?
Will you make a gift that will be matched dollar-for-dollar so we can raise another $100,000+ to benefit our school?
GIVE NOW TO THE END-OF-YEAR MATCH 2024We are grateful for the many benefactors who uplift and further the mission of Holy Trinity Catholic School with their gifts — physically, spiritually, and financially.
If you would like to help us reach more students and make a bigger impact in our community, below are some ways you can support our Catholic school with a financial gift. Thank you in advance for your generosity!
Thursday, September 19, 2024
Thank you to everyone who supported HTCS during this annual campaign. We raised around $15,000 to be used for campus-wide maintenance and improvements! Thank you to all the generous supporters of our school!
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
This is an annual giving day near Thanksgiving for Catholics around the nation to support the Catholic organizations, ministries, and schools that impact them. Thank you to everyone who made this year's iGiveCatholic a huge success - where we raised over $86,000 to help fund Phase 2 of our Security Fencing Project.